Register (Alarm Manager)

Deprecated. Do not use in new code.

(Alarm Manager module)

Description: Inform the Alarm Manager that a module instance may wish to generate alarms in the future.
Returns: Numeric
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Alarm
Related to: Commission
Format: \AlarmManager\Register(AlarmObject[, Enable]);
Required. The object value of the new alarm to add to the configured alarm list. A variable called "Name" must exist within the scope of AlarmObject. This variable uniquely defines the text name of the alarm.
Required Logical Expression. Set to true if  the alarm should start enabled. Defaults to "Enabled" if invalid or not defined.
Comments: The Register subroutine always returns "0".
Registering an alarm does not trigger an alarm. It informs the Alarm Manager that the AlarmObject module instance may wish to generate alarms in the future.